At the June 19, 2019 meeting of Friends of One Mile Creek (FOMC) at the Community Centreenvironmental consultant Jocelyn Baker talked about building sustainable communities, using the One Mile Creek watershed plan as an example. Also, Stuart McPherson, restoration lead at the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA), talked about current restoration opportunities. This was the first FOMC public meeting in several years.

Jocelyn Baker, who grew up in Niagara on the Lake, has been working “hands-on” at the community level for a long time. She is an environmental consultant and a Project Management Professional (PMP) with over 25 years of dedicated public service experience, recognized for collaboration-based environmental outreach and education programming.
Currently, Jocelyn is the Canadian Chair of the Niagara River Binational Ramsar Designation Steering Committee, working for the Niagara Restoration Council in collaboration with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority to secure a Ramsar designation for the Niagara River. Her early career focused on water quality improvement through the implementation of stewardship best management practices, evolving into Great Lakes remediation and restoration project management. Now she’s a full-time student at Brock University pursuing a Masters Degree in Sustainability Science through the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre.
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