About One Mile Creek
Friends of One Mile Creek 2023-24 annual review
Friends of One Mile Creek planted and continue to maintain public plantings in two Niagara on the Lake public parks – the pollinator garden (planted in 2012) at the William Street Park and the pollinator garden (planted in 2016) and the riparian trees and shrubs (planted in 2020) at King & John. We thank all the volunteers who turned out to help with the weeding and mulching of these gardens in 2023.
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Provide your input to Town’s new strategic plan
After a new Council is elected, the Town updates its strategic plan. The purpose is so Council and provide a roadmap and ranking of priorities for Niagara-on-the-Lake over the next four years. You can provide your input on the 2022-2026 Council Strategic Plan Survey by completing an online survey by Thursday, June 1, 2023.
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