FOMC Pollinator garden King and John St NOTL Aug 4 2024 1.

Friends of One Mile Creek 2023-24 annual review

Friends of One Mile Creek planted and continue to maintain public plantings in two Niagara on the Lake public parks – the pollinator garden (planted in 2012) at the William Street Park and the pollinator garden (planted in 2016) and the riparian trees and shrubs (planted in 2020) at King & John. We thank all the volunteers who turned out to help with the weeding and mulching of these gardens in 2023.

NOTL strategic plan

Provide your input to Town’s new strategic plan

After a new Council is elected, the Town updates its strategic plan. The purpose is so Council and provide a roadmap and ranking of priorities for Niagara-on-the-Lake over the next four years. You can provide your input on the 2022-2026 Council Strategic Plan Survey by completing an online survey by Thursday, June 1, 2023.